Making an Impact, One Grant at a Time

The Neag Foundation is committed to providing grants that will make an impact — we want to create possibilities for important change in areas of need in education, healthcare and humanities & the arts. We believe in the power of change. Most of our grants have been given to organizations and programs in Pennsylvania and Connecticut, the states in which the Neags lived. We hope that our foundations impact on education and healthcare will improve the world. As Ray and Carole Neag often said, “we hope to leave the world a little better than we found it.”

If your organization is interested in submitting a proposal for consideration by the Neag Foundation, we encourage you to carefully review our criteria for funding to become acquainted with our grant-making goals and strategies. Unfortunately, we must decline many excellent proposals every year because they do not fit the parameters of our work. This is not a reflection of the ideas or importance of the applications but of our need to make thoughtful choices as we seek to continue the legacy of Ray and Carole Neag.

Thank you for your interest in the Neag Foundation.

An organization seeking funding from the Neag Foundation should submit a grant application using the brief online form below. This will give us enough information to decide whether your program fits within our Foundation’s mission before you spend time writing a more in-depth grant proposal.

Our form requires the following: